Saturday, August 15, 2009


Months and days passed by like a soft wind. so fast that i can't imagine that 1st quarter is already over and 2nd grading is coming up soon. Mixture of enjoyment and hardship is the feeling of math, experience in the past two months in TLE. Patience,presence of mind and determination are my weapon in doing every task our teacher told us to do. It was so nice to belong to thid hi tech generation because of the modernization of the gadgets, it helps me as a student to be more productive. An example is the computer, so in relation to this our teacher discussed to us what internet is the evolution of it and the people concern in its development. Our teacher also tackled the its uses and its tools and services, the internet major components. Another is how to used search engines, the protocol and how WWW works. And of course theirs is also the web blog which is efficient to us students in posting our precious ideas. KM


  1. fruitful thoughts!!!!i can't say's very nice

  2. months and days passed so swiftly..

    i didn't know you are this good in writing already^.^

    all hands down!!! two thumbs up!!

    nice job hidden mickey


  3. I never felt bored reading your post!!!!..........

    Its very interesting..........

    Good Job!!!

    Good luck to the next quarter.........
